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Gare Color Conversion Program!

Want to switch to our Fun Strokes™ colors?

We make it easy with our Color Conversion Program!

In 3 easy steps, you can have our bright, versatile, and vibrant colors in YOUR studio:

1)   Go for it, decide to switch…  

     We’ll swap out up to 200 bottles of your current color for Fun Strokes free of charge.

     Tell us what size you want and how many competitors bottles you have (bottles must be at least ½ full). 

Need more than 200 bottles? No problem, we will offer these at a discounted price!

2)   Choose your colors…

     Once you choose your colors, we’ll ship them to you along with a FREE set of 1” tiles for your color display.

*The color swap needs to ship with an $800 bisque order* 

3)  Pack ‘em up!

     Once you receive your new Fun Strokes colors, simply pack up your current bottles in 2-3 large boxes, and provide us

with the dimensions and estimated weight per box, and we’ll take care of the rest.

And there’s more… once you become a Fun Strokes customer you are eligible for our Partner’s Program.  Spend $10,000 per year with Gare ($7,000 in bisque and $3,000 in color) and you’ll receive our products at a discounted “Partners” price.

Ready to switch?

Contact your CSR today and we’ll get you started!



All Gare Color is Made in the USA

All our colors and glazes are manufactured in our warehouse in Massachusetts.

We pride ourselves on bringing you the most vivid and versatile products in the industry.

Fun Strokes


Pottery Glaze